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Find out more about DanubeNeuro

What type of projects is DanubeNeuro looking for?

We are actively seeking projects focused on novel therapeutics, diagnostic methods, disease biomarkers or novel imaging approaches that focus on neurodegenerative diseases from Universities and academic institutions.

Projects should address an unmet medical need and have significant commercial value to be considered.

Can I discuss confidential information with DanubeNeuro?


Yes, we will help to arrange a confidentiality agreement before discussing any sensitive information.

How much money is allocated for each selected project?


DanubeNeuro’s financing scheme is flexible and tailored to the individual requirements of each project. We do not fund academic personnel, only the projects themselves, in a multi-tiered, milestone-based manner.

What do academic professionals get out of working with DanubeNeuro?

Danube Neuro offers you the opportunity to add translational value to your research and work with industry experts to see your work commercialized either through setting up a spin-out company or licensing to Pharma.

How developed should a project be before I apply?


As former academics, we at DanubeNeuro understand that research projects need time to develop and that the focus of the work in academic institutions is not necessarily the same as in the industry. For this reason, we recommend that you contact us as soon as you have some early in vitro proof-of-concept studies completed that show potential of your innovation. We will evaluate the idea and get back to you in due time. If the project is not ready for our program we can make suggestions and recommend keeping in touch for when the project is more developed.

Do I need a patent on my work to apply to DanubeNeuro?


Not necessarily. Whereas each project we select has to have the potential for patents covering the work, we are also interested in discussing early-stage projects that have not yet been patented but have scope for patent protection.

What does the University or research institute get out of working with DanubeNeuro?


We help improve the  University knowledge transfer and foster entrepreneurship within academic departments. The University or Research Institute will also receive financial returns for the successful commercialization of the project through licensing or start-up company formation.

I am not in Vienna, are you only looking for projects based in Austria? 


While DanubeNeuro and our dedicated CEBINA incubator space is located at the VBC campus in Vienna, Austria, we welcome proposals from countries in Europe and beyond. 

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